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Case Studies

The following case studies move beyond fundamentals and provide first-hand experiences, struggles, and accomplishments of fellow acquisition professionals.

  • How the Pay.gov Team Went Agile

    The US Treasury, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, is responsible for the Pay.gov system. This involved using a contract that supported Agile Project Management. The following is what happened once that contract was in place.

  • The Acquisition that Helped the Department of Veterans Affairs Modernize Its Claims Appeals System

    The VA competitively awarded a task order for digital services off of the agency’s Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle called Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG). A coding exercise was leveraged as part of the evaluation.

  • Agile Government and The Department of Justice

    The DOJ modernized a highly decentralized system by demonstrating quick successes while focusing on the end-user experience and stakeholder collaboration. Iterative releases led to a tangible return on investment.

  • VA dot gov Modernization - Comparative Analysis

    The VA technology Acquisition Cent, in support of VA OIT/DSVA, utilized FAR 13.1 Simplified Acquisition Procedures, which enabled the team to streamline a multi-step evaluation with onsite demonstrations, and documented the evaluation using a comparative analysis.

  • Department of Veterans (VA) Affairs Mobile Applications Cloud Migration Case Study

    The VA Technology Acquisition Center, in support of VA OIT and VHA, along with assistance from USDS, utilized a Cloud Migration Technical Demonstration as part of an open market solicitation in order to better evaluate a vendors technical capability.

  • Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Salesforce Center of Excellence, User-Centered Design Challenge

    The VA Technology Acquisition Center worked with USDS and other VA stakeholders to conduct a user-centered design challenge to award a Task Order on the GSA Salesforce BPA.

  • Innovation is a Contract Sport

    The Partnership for Public Service evaluates how and when Federal Agencies are most likely to implement innovation well. Successful examples are contributed to collaborating with nongovernmental partners, managing risk, allowing for failure, and changing agency culture; all values of the US Digital Services Playbook.


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