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An official website of the United States government

Policy and Guidance

Procurement memos, policies, and regulations that affect the acquisition workforce are regularly updated and released. This space provides a snapshot of the specific policies that can effect or can be applied to digital service acquisition.

  • Acquisition Innovation Labs & Pilot for Digital Acquisition Innovation Lab

    This memorandum requests each Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act agency to ensure it has an acquisition innovation lab, or similar mechanism, in place to help agency programs and their integrated project teams (IPTs) achieve better results for the taxpayer. The memorandum further requests that agencies place emphasis on information technology (IT) investments in their labs, and encourages agencies to consider participation in a pilot to accelerate the development of digital acquisition capabilities within their agencies through hands-on coaching of cross-functional teams.

  • Bringing Additional Software Developers Into the Federal Marketplace

    The purpose of this memorandum is to help agencies bring additional talented software developers into the Federal Marketplace to supplement existing contractor talent and ensure robust support for projects that call for software development.

  • Federal Source Code Policy

    This policy seeks to address these challenges by ensuring that new custom-developed Federal source code be made broadly available for reuse across the Federal Government. In acquisition for software solutions, it is important to understand this memo and how it can be applied.


  • Tools, Templates & Samples

    Use these artifacts to get a head start on your work.

  • Case Studies

    Learn from the good work of your peers, or contribute your own!

  • Learning Center

    Advance your career by building new skills.

  • Contract Solutions & Vehicles

    Don’t reinvent the wheel before checking out these ready-made solutions.